Donations Made Simple

Streamline Donations With Fully Integrated Card, Bank & E-Wallet Payment Options

  • Get control over the look, feel and functionality of standard or campaign style donation forms. The possibilities are almost endless!

  • Stimulate generosity by using images, video and gamification right within the donation workflow to tell compelling stories.

  • Use QR codes to boost fundraising in physical locations. Use a variety tools to reach a global audience.

  • Receive donations at anytime, from anyone and via any device - watches, phones, tablets, laptops & desktops

  • Simplify and automate planned giving. Kickstart a recurring stream of donations with clever tools and an easy-to-use interface.

  • Make the user journey easy by eliminating the need for returning donors to login or enter personal details over and over again.

  • Increase the value of your donations by 25% without the usual additional administrative challenges.

  • Offer donors a quick and easy way to cover transaction and platform fees so you can keep 100% of their donation.

  • Donors can pay by card, Google Pay, Apple pay, mobile banking, Internet banking and even integrated bank transfers

  • Show your gratitude using text, meme, GIF or video. Donors will feel good and keep coming back.

Use “Quick Response” (QR) Codes To Inject Significant Speed Into The Donation Process At Your Event Venue